I don’t really understand your criticism of using a Marxist lens. It is essentially a tool to analyze and critique a text through the perspective of class. It’s used by historians and other theorists worldwide, even those who don’t subscribe to a left-wing ideology.

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I think your comment deserves a good answer, so I've decided to write an entire post on the topic. It will be coming soon. Thank you.

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I look forward to reading your analysis. Marxism, Socialism, and Communism seem to have been boogeymen as of late in critiques of HCPSS curriculum, and I’m not really buying it.

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Is the switch from "diversity, EQUITY, and inclusion" to "diversity, ETHICS, and inclusion" intentional or an error. If intentional, will you please explain?

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Thank you for pointing out my error. The program is called Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. I will have to see if this is a recent change, since I thought it had been Ethics at one point.

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I can tell you it has been Diversity, Equity and Inclusion since its inception, but I would love to see a focus on "ethics".

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This just confirmed my suspicion of the Howard County System. Why the drastic changes?

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I believe that the teacher's union (HCEA) has been pushing these changes and have supported Board of Education candidates such as Mavis Ellis, Sabina Taj, and Jennifer Mallo, who fully supported these changes and directed the superintendent to increase funding of the diversity office.

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FWIW, the HCEA did NOT support Jen Mallo in the recent election.

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